When it comes to treating damaged teeth, you have various options to consider. Led by Chicago dentist Dr. Dan Strobel, Strobel Dentistry provides expert guidance on dental bonding, sealants, and dental fillings. Understanding the differences between these treatments is crucial in making an informed decision. Fillings are ideal for more significant tooth damage, while dental bonding is effective for minor cosmetic issues. Our team will carefully assess your specific needs and recommend the most suitable treatment. Trust Strobel Dentistry for comprehensive dental care in Chicago.
A dental filling serves as a direct restoration technique employed to mend a tooth that has been affected by decay or damage. It is typically the initial approach taken to restore a compromised tooth. To commence this procedure, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the targeted area. They will then proceed by eliminating any decayed or structurally unsound sections of the natural tooth. In contrast, dental bonding, another restoration method, uses a tooth-colored resin applied and shaped to teeth, potentially offering a more aesthetic and durable solution for repairing decay, chips, or cracks.
Following the preparation of the tooth, the process of applying the "filling" will commence. Fillings are typically made using two common materials: dental amalgam, which is an older mixture of silver, mercury, copper, tin, and other trace metals, and composite resin, a synthetic material that closely matches the color of natural teeth. At our office, we utilize composite resin fillings that are custom-matched to the shade of your natural teeth. This preference stems from the ability of composite resin to provide a natural-looking result, as well as its modern composition, which allows it to last as long as traditional dental amalgam fillings. In comparison, dental bonding, while also utilizing a composite resin, can be adept at resolving minor aesthetic concerns by adhering and sculpting material to the visible surface of teeth for a seamlessly restored appearance.
Dental bonding is essentially the same process as a dental filling –material is used to fill in, build up or otherwise repair a natural tooth. While the term “filling” usually applies to repairing an area of decay, bonding is more commonly a cosmetic term.
It describes any procedure where a material is used to change the shape, color or other aesthetic aspects of the tooth. The material used is almost always composite resin, and many times no anesthesia is required. This is often the most economical choice when searching for a cosmetic improvement to one’s teeth.
Dental fillings are a reliable solution for repairing decayed or damaged teeth. By removing the compromised areas and filling the space with durable materials like composite resin or dental amalgam, fillings restore the tooth's structure, prevent further decay, and provide long-term functionality. They blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, ensuring an aesthetically pleasing result. On the other hand, at our practice in Chicago dental bonding is an ideal choice for addressing minor cosmetic issues, such as chipped, discolored, or misshapen teeth.
This non-invasive procedure involves applying a tooth-colored resin material directly to the affected tooth, which is then sculpted and polished to blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth. Dental Bonding enhances the appearance of your smile, boosts confidence, and can be completed in a single visit to our office. Whether you require a dental filling or cosmetic bonding, our experienced team at Strobel Dentistry is committed to delivering personalized care to meet your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore the benefits of these treatments for your dental health and smile aesthetics.
At Strobel Dentistry in Chicago, led by Dr. Dan Strobel and Dr. Isabella Terrassa, we prioritize your oral health and offer personalized consultations to address your dental concerns. During your consultation for dental bonding Chicago dental experts from our experienced team will listen to your goals, examine your teeth and gums, and discuss any specific issues you may have.
We utilize advanced technology to assess your dental condition and create a customized treatment plan that suits your needs. We provide transparent communication, explaining the benefits, potential risks, and expected outcomes of each treatment option. Our welcoming environment ensures your comfort throughout the consultation process, and we encourage your active participation. Schedule your consultation at Strobel Dentistry today and take the first step towards a healthy, beautiful smile with our dedicated team committed to providing exceptional and tailored care.
After the tooth is prepared, the chosen material is applied, shaped, and cured (hardened and set) to achieve the final restoration. Dental Fillings range in price and appointment length depending on how large the area of decay is and how many surfaces of the tooth the filling covers. Similarly, dental bonding involves applying, shaping, and curing a tooth-colored composite resin to repair or improve a tooth’s appearance, which may be a viable alternative or adjunctive to fillings in managing aesthetic and functional dental concerns, though typically with a focus on more minor alterations or repairs.
You can expect to be numb for a few hours following your Dental Bonding procedure. Due to this numbness, drinking, and eating may be difficult in the affected area. Avoid drinking anything very hot or chewing as you might hurt yourself without realizing it.
You may experience minor tooth sensitivity for up to 6 weeks after the treatment – this is a natural response from having work done, though not everyone experiences it. The gums surrounding the teeth may be sensitive for up to a week after the procedure as a result of tissue manipulation during the dental bonding. If sensitivity is more than mild or persists beyond these time frames, contact your dentist for an appointment to make sure everything is healing appropriately. You may experience soreness when opening your mouth following the procedure – this is typically from holding your mouth open during the appointment, and a warm compress afterward should help alleviate any pain.
Once the numbness wears off, pay attention to your bite to make sure everything feels normal. You want to feel your teeth hitting on both sides simultaneously when you bite down. If this is not the case, or if you’re experiencing continued discomfort with chewing, go back to your dentist, and they can do a quick adjustment.
Dental fillings whether made of composite resin or dental amalgam, can last for several years with proper care and oral hygiene. On average, composite fillings last around 5 to 7 years, while dental amalgam fillings can last up to 10 years or longer.
Yes, dental fillings can be replaced if necessary. Over time, fillings may wear down, chip, or develop decay around the edges. Regular dental check-ups allow our team to monitor the condition of your fillings and recommend replacement when needed to ensure the continued health and integrity of your teeth.
Dental bonding is a long-lasting solution but may require touch-ups or replacement over time. While bonding materials are durable, they can become stained or chip over several years of normal wear and tear. However, with proper oral care and regular dental visits, cosmetic bonding can provide lasting aesthetic improvements to your smile.
In most cases, dental insurance plans cover a portion of the cost for dental fillings and sometimes dental bonding. However, coverage can vary depending on the specific insurance plan and the treatment purpose (restorative vs. cosmetic). Our team at Strobel Dentistry can help you navigate your insurance coverage and provide you with the necessary information to understand your benefits and potential out-of-pocket expenses.
You can typically resume normal activities immediately after getting a dental filling or dental bonding. However, it's essential to follow any post-treatment instructions provided by our team. These instructions may include avoiding extremely hot or cold foods, practicing good oral hygiene, and scheduling any necessary follow-up visits.
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We are proud to offer exceptionally experienced, compassionate, and comprehensive Chicago dental care to our patients. Contact us today or schedule an appointment online to take the first step toward your best experience and results.